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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Give Importance

"Give importance for every person in your life...
 Because everyone has their own "value" ... ,
 once you miss them never come back"!!!!!

Love is.......?

Love is __________ ??
1. Pain
2. Blind
3. Life
4. Everything
5. Drug
6. Fake
7. Nothing
8. Time pass
9. Don’t know
10. Game
11. beautiful feeling
12. Other [Mention]

Opportunity to Express

Love tip-
It is advisable to over react
whenever ur partner is in trouble.
It is an opportunity to express
your love and solitude to him..

Never Say...

Never Say Good Bye To Someone Who Loves You,
Never Say Thanks Who Really Needs You,
Never Blame A Person Who Really Trust You,
Never Forget A Person Who Think You As Life ..!

Love life and Love the ones around you.

Sometimes it is too late to make things right
Sometimes we hurt others more than we realize
Sometimes a smile fades in front of our eyes
Sometimes we are the reason for tears in someone’s eyes.
Never treat anyone the way you don’t want to be treated.
Love life & love the ones around you :-)


D i s t a n c e
Is not an obstacle,
It’s a beautiful
reminder of how strong
 true love can be.

Respection Differences

Alexander said:
"Sacrifice is greater than Love,
Character is greater than Beauty,
Humanity is greater than Wealth...!
Nothing is greater than Good Relations,
And Good Relations don't necessarily mean finding Similarities...
Its just about respecting Differences.

Life is So Stupid

Life is so stupid.
An Ordinary person Makes u smile
 A very special person Always Makes us Cry.
Still, We Care for the Special One.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

When I call my girl friend

When I call my girl friend and
she doesn’t answer its not a big
When my girl friend call me and
I don't answer its like world war III

Amazing SIX facts

Amazing SIX facts-
1. 90% of ppl in Myanmar don't drink milk..
2. Snake's vision is upto 5 kms..
3. A man can touch sun if his body is completely surrounded by mercury
4. No twins have been born til now in Greenland
5. Zebra doesn't have liver
6. Thanks 4 being a FOOL :-D