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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

It must be a History


You are born without anything but you die with your name..
So that name must not be a Word..It must be a History!

Five Secrets

ROOF says- Aim High!
FAN says- Be Cool..
CLOCK says- Every minute is precious!
MIRROR says- Reflect before u act..
WINDOW says- See d world with me!

Two Valuable Places in the World

"Two Places are the most valuable in the world...
the nicest place is to be in someone's THOUGHTS...
the Safest Place is 2 be in someone's PRAYER...

Book of Mystery

Life is a book of mystery ?
U never know which page will bring a good twist in the story,
keep on reading bcoz happiness comes when it is most unexpected

Wonderful Friends

Nobody knows the reason why we met in this lifes journey,
We are not related by blood but we just know that God put us together to be Wonderful Friends by heart..

Value of Relation

Value of relation?
is not that how much U feel happy with some one . .
But it is that
how much some one feels ALONE without U.

Enjoy Your Own Settings

Somewhere Someone is surely made for you.!
God has decided a perfect time to make you meet that person.
Till then, Enjoy your own "Settings"

True Friends

True friends are like upper n lower eyelids.
They often meet bcoz they miss each other,
But when they meet they don't see d world around that's friendship...

I'm Still With You

Some day if i die... don't think that i forgot u....
just have a look towards sky!
my tears will be a rain drop on ur cheeks 2 say
"hey i m still with you!

Best Heart Surgeon

Im the Best Heart Surgeon in the World!
coz I made a little place in Ur HEART without cutting & spoiling blood!
Hope U'r glad 2 have a Lovely Killer like Me.